Product Update Blog

New Smooth Right-Click menu!

Update on May 6, 2024 by Henrik Öquist

The ability to right-click on various elements within Membrain is a powerful feature that enhances efficiency and productivity for users. 

Whether it's a prospect, sales product, account growth project, or ticket, right-clicking provides quick access to key actions such as making a phone call, sending an email, adding a note, or seeking advice from a coach. Moreover, administrative tasks like merging companies or updating contact statuses are now more streamlined, simplifying data management and ensuring accuracy.

So go ahead! Right-click on everything in Membrain and see how that feels. We hope you'll enjoy it and feel at least 24% more productive.

Product Update Company-Context-Menu

💡 This is great for things such as:

  • Customizing and saving a Prospecting View allows users to right-click on prospects directly within the view to call them up, enabling rapid progress through phone calling lists and achieving daily activity targets without having to navigate away from the current view.

  • When tasked with cleaning up company lists and identifying duplicates, users can easily create lists within Membrain's company view and right-click on the dupes to swiftly merge duplicate entries with just a right-click action, ensuring data integrity and accuracy.

Need assistance with this update? Please drop us a line at, and we'll ensure you get the assistance you need.

More Font & Style Email Customization!

Update on April 18, 2024 by Henrik Öquist

One of the most asked customizations in Membrain is finally here! As an admin you can now go in to the Brand Center found in System Setup. 


In addition to adding your logo and a custom background to your login screen, you can now also add a default font to emails sent by your team.

Membrain customize background

It doesn't stop there though, you can apply a whole style template to take your branding to the next level. If your marketing has ready-made templates the code and assets from there can smoothly be brought into Membrain, or if you have the skills in CSS or HTML yourself you can build these out from scratch.

This can be used for things like:

  • Quickly changing the default font to a safe font that matches or support your branding options, for the whole team
  • Set a style template that has subtle branding elements in every email being sent from your organization

Have a query or need assistance navigating through this update? Connect with us at, and we'll provide the support you need.

New Email Engagement Analytics and some other smaller updates

Update on April 16, 2024 by Henrik Öquist

The out-of-the-box and easy-to-use analytics found in the Sent Items in your Sales Inbox has been extended to now cover the last 30 days, up from 14 as it was before. See how engaged your prospects and customers are with your content at every turn.

If you want to take this further, you can now create graphs that show email clicks and open rates in your dashboards! This new dimension can be found by creating a new activity graph and using filters like "Email Tracking Enabled" or "Email Tracking Status" to get to just the right emails.

The same properties can then be used to spot trends and key insights in your messaging by using them in the "Show by" or "Segment by" settings.

This is great for things such as:

  • Tracking the engagement with your prospecting outreaches
  • Seeing which content resonates most with your audience (a great combination when used with the Content Hub as well!)
  • Sending out important news to your key accounts and having insights into who has clicked on key pieces of information
  • Learning who on the team produces the most captivating emails and sharing those insights, elevating  the whole team

In the dashboard, there are now several pre-built graphs in the Template Library that can get you started!


Smaller updates

Day View in Membrain Go Calendar

Clicking on the week display at the top of the screen allows you to change the calendar view between a weekly view and a daily one to fit your needs at that very moment within Membrain Go.

Use the same field in multiple places in Account Growth

Previously you could only add a field into one component in Account Growth, now you can have one field appear in many. This opens a lot of opportunity for more advanced use cases, but also for streamlining things and keeping them very simple since every component can be razor-sharp in its focus, and that tradeoff doesn't always have to be navigated.

Updated UI for the prospecting qualifiers

A new look for Qualifiers, a critical part in Prospecting.

Need assistance with this update? Please drop us a line at, and we'll ensure you get the assistance you need.

Insights at a glance - Scorecards, Products & Rich-Text fields

Update on April 12, 2024 by Henrik Öquist

The ability to just hover above a scorecard, the products in a sales project or a rich-text field anywhere in Membrain can be helpful for everyone. 

Most importantly, it can be a powerful boost to the daily work of a Membrain Lite user who may not have access to the details of these types of more advanced capabilities.

Now you can hover above:

  • A scorecard to get a breakdown of the responses, including the helpful visual color indications
  • The products in a sales project to see deeper information like quantity, discount rates and more
  • A rich-text field in a list view or a sales project where you may not have access to the embedded images and visuals at a glance.

Cross-team collaboration is going to be more and more important in Membrain and creating this transparency can be the difference between a smooth running operation and one that runs into friction points and hiccups in the handovers or internal collaboration.

Do you have a question about this update? Drop us at, we'll be happy to help.

Assignment capabilities in Automation gets supercharged

Update on April 11, 2024 by Henrik Öquist

Using Automation and Process events is a great way to handle everything from lead assignments of new prospects, to handovers at key points in the process to bringing in the right resource at the right time.

With this being such a key part of streamlining your processes, Membrain now has the ability to select and combine multiple teams and individuals in a round-robin assignment flow.

You can use this capability by automating the "Set Owner" property, either in Automations or in a specific process at certain points. 

  • Allocate new prospects to a combination of teams and individuals?
  • Need a handover to a project manager or technical resource when going into a specific stage? 
  • Trigger a playbook on deals with unique properties where a senior team member is needed?
  • Escalate tickets to a second-line team?

The usecases are almost limitless and can be powerful additions to simplify, streamline and in places automate the processes for your sales, revenue, customer and operations teams.

Another addition is the capability to set the value of a relationship field through similar means. So if you need to connect a sales project to a partner/reseller/distributor that you have as an Account Growth project, this can now be simplified through this type of automated approach.

There are all kinds of use cases that this can help with: territory management, breaking down your annual plans into quarterly account growth or upsell sales projects. Relationship fields are a powerful way to create context in Membrain and we're excited to see how this will be used going forward.

If you have any questions or feedback about this update, please write to us at we'll be happy to help!

Improvements to Org charts & a few other smaller updates

Update on April 9, 2024 by Henrik Öquist

As we move through 2024, time seems to be flying! Let's take a quick look at the latest product updates we've made to help you work smarter and more efficiently.

Org Chart expands to complex company structures


When working with really large or complex company structures, having a good understanding of how the organization is set up is absolutely vital.

Membrain now let's you connect contacts from subsidiaries a lot easier than before, and you can expand and collapse these relationships to give an unprecedented overview, without ever having to leave the org chart you're in. 

When working at it from the CRM data side of things, you can also edit "reports to" from a contact list view, both on individual contacts, but also batch changes to quickly work through larger structures.

Other smaller updates

  • Better handling of private activities in the activity stream, the information now is really locked down and you can only see that you are part in a private meeting at a certain time. That's it. 🙌

  • You can now use Snippets in Membrain Go in Appointments, Notes, Tasks and similar places. A great timesaver while on the Go! 🏃

    Please write to us at If you have any questions or feedback about this update, we'll be happy to help!

Early 2024 round-up of Membrain updates!

Update on March 9, 2024 by Henrik Öquist

Maybe it's because of the extra leap day in 2024, because this year has already seen so many exciting additions and improvements to Membrain! Even outside of the bigger updates to Membrain (such as huge permissions improvements, email auto-saving updates, improved revenue analytics, personalization capabilities that can be used for light-weight quote-like emails and much more) our team has kept busy.

Product Update-1

Email Templates & Snippets

Email Templates & Snippets are not only awesome time-savers and productivity boosters, they're also great for giving everyone on the team an easy way to keep your messaging on point, quickly respond to common questions and follow-up in a professional way after meetings. The number of templates and snippets can quickly become daunting to navigate though, which is why we added support for categories for both of these. Quickly create categories sales follow-ups, billing questions, common questions, structured agendas for your discovery calls and much more.

Stronger Ticked-related communications

The Membrain Ticket system now uses the ticket number (looks like T#1234) in even more ways, to more easily keep everybody up-to-date on key issues and queries from customers, even from people who was not initially a part of the ticket.

Working with larger accounts?

Working with larger accounts where multiple people should ideally be mapped out to give you the best conditions for success? You can now show in a company list view and filter on the "Number of Contacts" created on a company. Great to use in combination with previous insights like Number of Stakeholders in a sales context!

An easier way to send 'submission reciepts'

We're really excited to see Membrain Forms are being used more and more in all kinds of exciting ways! An ask that came up a number of times is a simple way of sending a "submission receipt" of sorts to the person filling out a form. While automation can be great for more advanced nurturing sequences and such, now you can set this simpler flow up with just a few quick clicks!

More control over process editing permissions

Process is deeply engrained in what we do, so we're pumped about seeing this used in more and more ways. One thing that can get tricky is if you want to be able to give somebody the ability to edit just one or two processes, not all. For this reason, you can now change "Editable By" on a process level to have full control over who in the team is able to make updates to a process.


These and many more updates have all gone live in just the last few weeks! 2024 has started in a powerful way, and we're excited to have even more and bigger updates lined up going forward. Keep the great feedback coming! Let's make this year the best year ever for b2b sales!

As always, if you have any questions or feedback about this update, please do not hesistate to drop us a line at and we'll be happy to help!

Easier Email Auto-save & Auto-relate - with more control & clarity

Update on March 3, 2024 by Henrik Öquist

Automating activity reporting is a huge load off a sales person's shoulders, but it can be tricky to get right, and to clearly understand how it's working.
For this reason we have made a big update in the auto save/relate-department! Auto-save is now handled separately from the auto-relate to make it easier to choose exactly what you want to automatically save in Membrain.

To make sure we're not adding any stress to your week, we kept a key aspect of the old system so that you can make any potential tweaks at a time of your own choosing.


Once you feel you want to explore this though, you can do so as an Admin by going to System Setup and click on the new option of "Email Auto Save Settings". There you can now select which (or all) of the processes that you want the auto save to look at, as well as manage a list of email adresses that you want to exclude from this automation.

Once an activity is created in Membrain, that's when the auto-relate kicks, and with an updated interface there, it should make this complex capability a little clearer to follow, and allow for some more creative uses on how you want to relate activities in variety of ways and contexts.

Whenever an email is auto-saved, you can also open the saved activity up in Membrain and quickly spot when, why and by whom it was saved, giving you quick insights into how the setup is working in your environment.

If you have any questions regarding this update, please drop us a line at or refer to this help center article for more information. 

Product Revenue List Graphs - Add an option to combine recurrences

Update on February 27, 2024 by Henrik Öquist

Revenue. The lifeblood of any company. A key aspect to track, navigate and report on in a variety of ways for any B2B organization committed to growth. Given its importance it *should* be simple to do. Alas, it's a more complex metric than many. It's not always as easy to get right as one would like.

Our recent update to Product Revenue Graphs now give you a lot of flexibility in how you want to present revenue data from Products in Membrain.

💡 Want to see what future revenue you secured in a specific month or quarter? Check!
💡 Want to change perspective and instead see what revenue is actually coming in the next 3 months, including those multi-year contracts you closed in sales projects over a year ago that is still bringing it in? Absolutely!
💡 Want to group it and see it by Product? Yep!
💡 Or did you want to see which products a certain customer has bought and that is still generating revenue? No problem!


Create any product revenue graph, be it column graphs, line graphs and the recent addition of list graphs. Use the various visualization options to distinguish between sales targets and revenue. (A key tip is: If you want to see recurring products split up over time, use "group by" or "segment by" revenue date to easily access that info!

To make this as quick and easy to get to as possible, we also updated the Template Library with some new graphs to make it as easy as possible to pick the best starting point and make any desired optional tweaks to it. Simply go to your dashboard, create a new graph and go to the Product Revenue category. There you will find some helpful list graphs to use to instantly get new insights about that hugely important key data point: revenue. 

If you have any questions or feedback about this update, please reach out to us at and we'll be happy to help!

Change how User and Process scoping works when combining multiple permission groups

Update on February 21, 2024 by Henrik Öquist

Ensuring everyone on the team has the right information is always a challenge. You don't want to lock things down too much, but also need to be responsible as an organization with what information is shared with whom.

To help with this the permission capabilities of Membrain has improved in the update that recently went live. You now have a lot more precision when adding people to multiple permission groups.

product-update-blog-more-permission-tools (1)-modified (1)With this change it's a lot easier to understand and follow what happens when you combine several permission groups to allow for things like letting somebody have full access to create, edit and collaborate in a sales project in Process A, but only have view permissions in Process B and C.

We also added a new tool that give Membrain Admins a way to ensure the permissions are working the right way. By going to the "More" menu as an admin you can now click on the "Show who can access" to get a visual like this:

To help you dive deeper into the potential unlocked by this change, we have created a helpful article you can find through this handy link right here.

If you have any questions or need further clarification on the recent update, feel free to reach out to us at . We're here to assist you!