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    Podcast: Data-Driven Accountability and Transformative Strategies with Alex Chan

    Navigating through tough times can be quite a challenge, especially for CEOs looking to boost shareholder value and profits. Join us in today’s episode with SalesStar's Global Director of Learning, Alex Chan as we delve into how managers can hold their teams accountable and the importance of data-driven decision making.

    Transformative Strategies for Enhancing Shareholder Value (9:41)

    Paul and Alex discuss the challenges CEOs face in tough times, and how to drive a transformative strategy that will enhance shareholder value and increase profits. The importance of focusing on the team, training, and technology to ensure successful results is highlighted. The nine-step high-performance pathway to success and how to put it into practice is also explored.



    Data-Driven Accountability in Sales Management (18:02)

    Paul and Alex discuss the importance of accountability and how it is a significant factor in transforming organizations. Alex shares valuable tips for the listeners, with one of them focusing on accountability. Managers often fail to hold their teams accountable, either due to reluctance to have tough conversations or a misunderstanding of using the right Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

    Alex explains the difference between lagging indicators (e.g., historical sales data) and leading indicators (predictive activities), emphasizing the importance of focusing on leading indicators for better decision-making. Paul then asks how to identify the right leading indicators for specific businesses. Alex's response includes the "secret sauce" of achieving sales growth in tough times, which is becoming data-driven and understanding the organization's numbers thoroughly.



    Multiply Sales With Leadership, Strategies (30:27) 

    Paul asks for advice on connecting the dots between the transformative strategy and its execution, particularly in sales. Alex stresses the critical aspect of managerial involvement, stating that the transformation process must be managerially led. Without active engagement from managers, even investing substantial amounts of money in programs will not yield success. Alex shares an example where they stopped an assignment because the managers were disengaged, highlighting the importance of managers being fully committed and working closely with partners to achieve true transformation and become effective leaders.



    Discover the nuances of leading and lagging indicators, and how reverse engineering can help define the right KPIs and metrics for your business. Together with Alex's insights on coaching and skill development, you'll be well-equipped to revamp your sales strategies for success!


    Paul Fuller
    Published August 6, 2023
    By Paul Fuller

    Paul Fuller’s stated mission is to help others maximize their gifts by using his.
    Paul has been a pioneer in the sales process and training, sales as a service, content marketing and CRM. As a previous founder and owner of multiple successful growth organizations in these spaces, Paul has effectively trained and led sales and marketing teams across the world to focus on and achieve dynamic growth.

    He firmly believes sales is defined best in three categories:

    • Service - helping other get what they need

    • Leadership - guiding others toward their vision

    • Wayfinding - navigating the path to success together

    He is firmly committed to elevating the sales profession through coaching, leading, and empowering others through systems that enable strong performance.

    Currently Paul leads revenue growth at - the top sales effectiveness CRM in the world. Working with his team, and a group of over 100 top sales consultant organizations across the globe, they are focused at creating scalable growth through sales excellence in companies and teams in over 80 countries.

    Schedule a call with him here.

    Find out more about Paul Fuller on LinkedIn