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    You Need to Know Your “Way” Every Bit As Much as The Mandalorian Does

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    Could your sales organization benefit from being more like the Mandalorians?

    When all the world is against them, when nothing goes easily, when even their beginnings are shrouded in difficulty and pain, the Mandalorians survive. Throughout the hit series by that name, it gradually becomes clear that WHY this group survives is HOW they operate.

    It’s not just that they’re tough, strong fighters. They have a WAY of being that is unique to them and uniquely suited to help them win what they need to win in order to thrive.

    The world of sales has grown more and more competitive. The economy continues to be volatile and hard times seem perpetually on the horizon. Much like the world that The Mandalorian and his adorable, powerful little “baby-Yoda” were born into.

    The sales teams that survive and thrive in this environment are those who have a WAY of selling that they live and breathe. In this environment, HOW you sell is WHY you win. When you ask your team for something, you need to be able to say to them:

    This Is The Way

    First: Know Who You Are

    In The Mandalorian, the main character, Din Djarin, may not always know what’s going to happen next or who is going to end up being a friend or enemy. He may not even always know whether to follow his instructions, or his heart.

    But he knows who he is. He’s a Mandalorian. And he knows the code. He knows The Way.

    Your team needs to understand who your organization is, at its core. Your vision, your purpose, and your character. This has implications far beyond marketing copy or brand messaging, and is built on your reason for existing in the world.

    Sales teams that survive and thrive have a WAY of selling that they live and breathe.

    At Membrain, we exist as rebel champions. We challenge the mainstream on behalf of others. We speak from a strong sense of internal authority because we know what we’re talking about. We are single-mindedly dedicated to improving the way complex selling is done. We do what’s right–not what’s convenient. And we are not afraid to confront monsters and bullies on behalf of the people.

    Our mission is to elevate the sales profession, make it easy on sales teams to execute on their strategy, challenge old, toxic sales practices, and partner with trainers, consultants, thought leaders, academic institutions, and professional organizations to raise the profile for better, more effective, and more human sales.

    Second, Know Who You Help

    In The Mandalorian, there is plenty of moral ambiguity, especially around who Din Djarin himself serves. But, as with all of us, he is most effective when he becomes very clear about whose interests are most important to him.

    At Membrain, we are most effective at helping sales leaders and consultants who are committed to improving the sales industry and their sales teams and/or clients in particular, and who are willing to challenge the mainstream to do so. We are also committed to helping our own people grow and become the superheroes they’re capable of being.

    Third, Know WHAT You’re Best At

    Din Djarin is good at one thing in particular: Fighting (and winning).

    He uses this skill in myriad ways throughout the series to achieve his ultimate goals.

    At Membrain, we’re good at building software that helps you execute on your strategy.

    We use this skill to create and maintain a platform that helps you easily guide your team through your sales process, integrating your process, playbooks, dashboards, behavior tracking, enablement, analytics, and customer data into one streamlined set of beautiful, effective workflows.

    As a result, our product helps you drive optimal sales behaviors, coach for higher results, build predictable growth, and continually optimize your sales execution.

    In other words, we help you execute on YOUR Way of Selling.

    Fourth, Build a Predictable Process

    I’m not sure “predictable” is the right word for the way The Mandalorian operates. But there are certain constants in the world of a Mandalorian who follows The Way. Never remove your helmet. Contribute to the general welfare. Always defend your family.

    In the world of sales, you need a bit more than that to ensure your entire team is executing on your Way of Selling. You need a dynamic, milestone-based process that guides each salesperson through every step and stage of your sales process. You need it built into their workflow so that they can always see what they need to do next, and so that your managers and coaches can hold them accountable and coach them to higher performance. You need training and enablement to support them in following your Way.

    At Membrain, we’re so devoted to The Way of Selling that our entire product is built to help you execute on YOUR Way of Selling.

    Helping you execute YOUR Way of Selling IS our Way of Selling.

    Does Your Team Know Your Way?

    Imagine a world in which every Mandalorian just does their own thing, without regard for the others or for the way things are done. As a group, they wouldn’t survive long and probably wouldn’t be known for much. In fact, much of the conflict throughout the series arises when members of The Mandalorians disagree on the essential meaning of The Way.

    In order to be effective in elevating our own sales teams, we must be effective in developing and sustaining a Way of Selling that everyone knows, believes in, and adheres to. Which serves our customers.

    At Membrain, we would love to help you do that. This Is Our Way.

    George Brontén
    Published August 9, 2023
    By George Brontén

    George is the founder & CEO of Membrain, the Sales Enablement CRM that makes it easy to execute your sales strategy. A life-long entrepreneur with 20 years of experience in the software space and a passion for sales and marketing. With the life motto "Don't settle for mainstream", he is always looking for new ways to achieve improved business results using innovative software, skills, and processes. George is also the author of the book Stop Killing Deals and the host of the Stop Killing Deals webinar and podcast series.

    Find out more about George Brontén on LinkedIn