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    Podcast - Fostering Healthy Leadership with Chris McAlister

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    Hitting rock bottom can either crush you or make you stronger. Chris McAlister, CEO of Sightshift, knows this well. He turned his financial struggles into a journey of growth. Today, he shares how shifting from seeking validation to focusing on making a real impact transformed his sales approach. He believes sales is about serving others by addressing their needs, often before they realize them.

    Understanding Insecurities in Sales (11:45)

    Paul and Chris discuss the importance of leading for impact in sales. They discuss how insecurities, often stemming from leadership, impact sales teams. Chris emphasizes that personal insecurities shape how individuals perceive and respond to challenges, affecting their ability to work effectively. He illustrates this with examples from sales meetings, showing how individuals' insecurities hinder productive collaboration and problem-solving. Chris suggests that understanding and addressing these insecurities is crucial for fostering a positive and effective sales environment.


    Coaching for Impactful Leadership (18:42)

    Paul discusses the tough situation of feeling criticized in sales teams. Chris, having faced similar challenges, understands the pressure to succeed in sales. He shares his own experience of starting SightShift amid financial struggles. Chris believes in confronting challenges head-on rather than avoiding them. He suggests the first step is becoming aware of insecurities and tendencies to push too hard or hide from challenges. Chris emphasizes the importance of leading for impact rather than validation, even though it's a difficult journey.



    Explore Ideas, Work With Concepts (31:58)

    Paul finds it fascinating that it takes a similar effort to progress from 20% to 80% proficiency as it does to move from 80% to 95%, and even more effort to reach the elite levels beyond. Chris explains that while you can make quick progress to 80%, achieving higher levels requires more time and effort due to the finer details and nuances involved. He emphasizes the importance of deep reflection after client meetings to continually improve and adapt. Chris shares a personal experience where feedback led to a significant realization, highlighting the ongoing journey of growth and development in sales leadership.

    Paul Fuller
    Published February 18, 2024
    By Paul Fuller

    Paul Fuller’s stated mission is to help others maximize their gifts by using his.
    Paul has been a pioneer in the sales process and training, sales as a service, content marketing and CRM. As a previous founder and owner of multiple successful growth organizations in these spaces, Paul has effectively trained and led sales and marketing teams across the world to focus on and achieve dynamic growth.

    He firmly believes sales is defined best in three categories:

    • Service - helping other get what they need

    • Leadership - guiding others toward their vision

    • Wayfinding - navigating the path to success together

    He is firmly committed to elevating the sales profession through coaching, leading, and empowering others through systems that enable strong performance.

    Currently Paul leads revenue growth at - the top sales effectiveness CRM in the world. Working with his team, and a group of over 100 top sales consultant organizations across the globe, they are focused at creating scalable growth through sales excellence in companies and teams in over 80 countries.

    Schedule a call with him here.

    Find out more about Paul Fuller on LinkedIn