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    Podcast - Co-Creating Value: A New Approach to Complex Sales with Walter Pollard

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    Meet Walter Pollard, Founder of Brand Fuzion. He navigates the challenges of complex sales, emphasizing a customer-centric approach and collaboration to create value. Walter urges sales professionals to prioritize delivering value, and shedding biases. This episode explores the essential skills for mastering complex sales.

    Mindset in Sales and Leadership Importance (8:45)

    This chapter explores the concept of VUCA - volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity - and its impact on our daily lives, particularly in the fast-paced world of digital transformation and economic downturn. We discuss how the US Army War College first used this acronym to navigate the challenges of post-war Afghanistan and how it applies to our current situation. We also touch on the importance of mindset in dealing with VUCA, specifically in terms of risk aversion, decision making, and resilience. The conversation then shifts to the idea that sales skills may not have kept up with the increasing complexity of the business world, possibly due to a lack of autonomy given to sales professionals and the fear of failure. We emphasize the need for a mindset shift and the development of new skills to thrive in today's world.


    Autonomy and Mental Agility (13:49)

    Walter discusses the autonomy issue in sales, stressing the need for sales professionals to have the freedom to work independently. He argues that a lack of autonomy hinders the development of the right mindset, crucial for achieving goals. Walter suggests that the current trend of rigid activity frameworks in sales is problematic, leading to increased demands on professionals. He advocates for a shift in leadership perspective to foster innovation and adapt to new skills in the changing business environment. Drawing parallels with sports, particularly in the NFL, Walter emphasizes the importance of investing in mental training alongside physical training for success in sales.



    Co-Creating Value in Sales Through Community (24:23)

    This chapter explores the importance of co-creation of value in building a strong community and connecting with customers. We discuss the mindset shift required for successful co-creation and the significance of being independent to foster interdependence. Using the example of a car salesman, we illustrate how co-creation of value can be applied in a sales situation. We emphasize the need for permission and trust from the customer for effective co-creation. Ultimately, this chapter highlights the importance of understanding the customer's needs and problems to provide the most valuable solution.

    Paul Fuller
    Published December 17, 2023
    By Paul Fuller

    Paul Fuller’s stated mission is to help others maximize their gifts by using his.
    Paul has been a pioneer in the sales process and training, sales as a service, content marketing and CRM. As a previous founder and owner of multiple successful growth organizations in these spaces, Paul has effectively trained and led sales and marketing teams across the world to focus on and achieve dynamic growth.

    He firmly believes sales is defined best in three categories:

    • Service - helping other get what they need

    • Leadership - guiding others toward their vision

    • Wayfinding - navigating the path to success together

    He is firmly committed to elevating the sales profession through coaching, leading, and empowering others through systems that enable strong performance.

    Currently Paul leads revenue growth at - the top sales effectiveness CRM in the world. Working with his team, and a group of over 100 top sales consultant organizations across the globe, they are focused at creating scalable growth through sales excellence in companies and teams in over 80 countries.

    Schedule a call with him here.

    Find out more about Paul Fuller on LinkedIn