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    Podcast: The Changing Landscape of Sales With Jason Howes

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    Join us as we sit down with Jason Howes, the Founder and Managing Director of Arrow Executive Sales. From Jason's eight and a half years on the road, to managing one of Australia's biggest accounts, he provides valuable insights into the world of sales. 

    As we further explore Jason's experience in sales, you'll hear about the importance of understanding the current state of a business and how to propel it to the next level.

    Embracing Discovery and Challenges in the Digital Age - 18:22

    The conversation touches on how the sales landscape has evolved, balancing the benefits of technological advancements with the importance of personal connections in the sales process.

    Paul and Jason discuss the evolution of sales and how it has changed over time. Jason reflects on his earlier days in sales, where discovery and prospecting involved physically going to locations, using Yellow Pages, local papers, and word of mouth. He emphasizes the importance of face-to-face interactions, which allows him to gather valuable information about potential customers.

    Jason acknowledges that today's sales process has both advantages and challenges. With the internet, there is easy access to vast amounts of information, but this can lead to an overreliance on discovery without taking necessary action. Despite the changes, he still values direct interactions and even shares his recent experience of cold calling, which he finds refreshing and enjoyable.


    Coaching for Success - 23:51

    Paul and Jason talk about how sales strategies have changed over time. As a sales coach, Jason emphasizes the importance of understanding each company's unique situation. He uses Objective Management Group (OMG) assessments to gain unbiased insights into their sales teams. Jason's main focus is on helping businesses grow and improve. He works closely with clients for extended periods, implementing effective changes to enhance their sales processes.

    Beyond the Sales Funnel - 28:25

    Paul and Jason talk about the changing sales industry. They stress the importance of effective training, using the right technology, and having strategic discussions at the start of the sales process. However, they notice that some businesses, especially in manufacturing and construction, are slow to adapt, which affects their ability to find the right customers.

    Jason emphasizes the value of continuous learning for salespeople. He points out that while some companies experienced a sales boost during COVID, maintaining success now requires sustained effort and adaptation.


    Jason's expertise in managing teams has enabled him to offer powerful coaching and management to his clients. With his insightful tips and compelling stories, this episode is a must-listen for anyone in the sales industry. Tune in for a conversation filled with valuable insights and actionable advice.


    Paul Fuller
    Published July 30, 2023
    By Paul Fuller

    Paul Fuller’s stated mission is to help others maximize their gifts by using his.
    Paul has been a pioneer in the sales process and training, sales as a service, content marketing and CRM. As a previous founder and owner of multiple successful growth organizations in these spaces, Paul has effectively trained and led sales and marketing teams across the world to focus on and achieve dynamic growth.

    He firmly believes sales is defined best in three categories:

    • Service - helping other get what they need

    • Leadership - guiding others toward their vision

    • Wayfinding - navigating the path to success together

    He is firmly committed to elevating the sales profession through coaching, leading, and empowering others through systems that enable strong performance.

    Currently Paul leads revenue growth at - the top sales effectiveness CRM in the world. Working with his team, and a group of over 100 top sales consultant organizations across the globe, they are focused at creating scalable growth through sales excellence in companies and teams in over 80 countries.

    Schedule a call with him here.

    Find out more about Paul Fuller on LinkedIn