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    5 Reasons Sales Is the Best Profession On Earth

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    Everybody knows the stereotype of the sleazy used car salesperson. Few professions are as widely disrespected and disliked as the profession of sales.

    People tend to think that the only skills you need are a big smile, a competitive spirit, and a lack of ethics. You don’t have to have a degree, and many sales jobs are entry level, requiring very little or no experience.

    As a result, it’s a job that gets very little respect.

    But actually? It’s a pretty amazing profession, especially complex B2B sales. And I’m about to give you 5 reasons why:

    1. You need a wide variety of skills

    Great salespeople are not born. They are made. Becoming a great salesperson requires not just drive and determination, but also a willingness to learn a huge number of skills and apply them effectively.

    While it’s not literally rocket science, the level of complexity that a truly great salesperson must master may very well be comparable. Just a sampling of the skill sets required to achieve world class mastery:

    And so much more than I can list in a single article. There is no limit to the broad knowledge base and skills that can be demanded of a salesperson in the course of their work.

    2. You can always go deeper with your skills

    In addition to the breadth of skills and abilities a great salesperson must master, there is no limit to the depth at which these skills can be developed. In order to stay at the head of the pack, the best professionals keep going deeper.

    Great salespeople are not born. They are made.

    For instance, maybe you are really great at asking probing questions. But have you heard of facilitative questioning? Do you know how to recognize when a buyer is lying? Do you know what’s happening on the other side of the window, on the buyer’s side, that they’re not sharing with you? And how to find out?

    Or maybe you’re interested in human psychology. There is no limit to the number of ways that neuroscience and human behavior impact complex sales, and no limit to how far you can go in learning about it in order to do a better job as a salesperson.

    3. If you’re bored, you can always change industries or go after a bigger challenge

    If you’re a brain surgeon, there’s only so far you can go with your work. That’s not to say that brain surgeons aren’t doing important work, or that they can’t break new ground with their work. But it’s not easy to switch streams and do something entirely different while still drawing on your expertise.

    In sales, though, there’s always another industry, another territory, another product or offering, or a bigger challenge to tackle. Maybe you want to switch from small deals to going after bigger projects. Maybe you always dreamed of working in medical technology and now you’ve got enough experience to seek out a job in that industry. Or maybe you’ve had enough of going after individual sales and you’re ready to take on team management and coaching.

    Wherever you are in the industry, you can always study, learn, and grow into something new.

    4. You can start from anywhere, and get to anywhere

    The sales industry has no limits, at either end. You barely need any background at all in order to land an entry level position. Just your smile and your willingness to show up and work.

    But if your head’s in the game and you want to grow, you can. Companies invest billions every year in sales training, and a job in the industry gives you the opportunity to tap some of that and learn anything you want to learn. And as you learn, grow, practice, and get better, more job opportunities open to you.

    What other job requires practically no education and no background, yet provides you with unlimited earning and growth potential?

    5. You are the lifeblood of your organization

    As a sales professional, everything in your company depends on you. Without you, there is no revenue, and without revenue, there is no company. Without a company, there are no jobs.

    People’s livelihoods depend on you.

    When you do your job outstandingly, not only do you reap the personal rewards, you can feel good knowing that you are an engine of success for everyone in your company.

    And, along the way, if you’re doing your job right, you’re helping your customers too.

    What could be better?

    It’s my firm belief that the sales profession is one of the noblest, best professions on earth. I’m proud to be a sales professional and to support sales professionals with our products and partners.

    What about you? What do you love about the sales profession?

    George Brontén
    Published November 8, 2023
    By George Brontén

    George is the founder & CEO of Membrain, the Sales Enablement CRM that makes it easy to execute your sales strategy. A life-long entrepreneur with 20 years of experience in the software space and a passion for sales and marketing. With the life motto "Don't settle for mainstream", he is always looking for new ways to achieve improved business results using innovative software, skills, and processes. George is also the author of the book Stop Killing Deals and the host of the Stop Killing Deals webinar and podcast series.

    Find out more about George Brontén on LinkedIn