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    sales management

    When You Can’t See the Forest for the Trees

    Everyone inside a company has their own point of view, but when we talk with executives, sales professionals, customer success team members, and everyone in between, there is one thing many of them seem to have in common:

    by George Brontén

    It Makes No Sense to Trust Common Sense

    I was speaking with a friend recently about something we disagree on. When I asked them to explain their position, they said, “Oh, it’s just common sense.”

    by George Brontén

    Our Top 10 Most Read Blog Posts for 2023

    At the end of each year, I put out a list of that year’s top blog posts. Often, as I review which topics were read the most frequently, certain themes emerge. In 2022, for instance, sales effectiveness and methodologies took a top position as popular topics.

    by George Brontén

    Back to Work: How to Recharge Your Sales Team After Summer Vacation

    In Sweden, we take our summer vacation seriously. We only get about two months of warm weather each year, and we all take advantage of it by setting “out of office” replies and disappearing. This is wonderful for us, but coming back to work after a month of vacation can feel a little like jet lag! And if you’re managing a sales team, that jet lag can look like lagging performance.

    by George Brontén

    Best Practices for Effective Sales Team Offboarding

    When an employee leaves a company, there’s always a period of transition within the company and on their team. During this period, a formal legal separation process is usually handled by the HR department. Additionally, the department manager and team members of the former employee work together to secure any assets and fill any gaps that the departing member leaves.

    by George Brontén • Editor's Pick

    How to Get Sales Onboarding Right

    Sales onboarding is an important part of building and growing a sales team. Successful onboarding improves retention, increases the pace at which new employees begin producing revenue, and ensures a seamless experience for your prospects and customers.

    by George Brontén • Editor's Pick
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