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    Structural Capital in Sales

    There are many kinds of capital in a business: Human capital, financial capital, and intellectual capital are well-known types. In the context of the sales team, human capital is the people who do the sales work, and financial capital is the budget available to pay them and help them do their jobs. Intellectual capital is the stored knowledge, experience, and information your sales department owns.

    by George Brontén

    Are You Forcing Your Customers to Drive Multiple Cars At The Same Time?

    I was in Italy recently for my birthday. It was a big birthday for me, and I celebrated by inviting my extended family to come with me. This meant I needed to hire not only a car for myself (a BMW M4 cab,) but also two vans to accommodate the larger group.

    by George Brontén

    You Built It, Now Here’s Why They’re (Not) Coming

    In the 1989 movie, Field of Dreams, the main character hears a whisper that tells him if he builds it, “he will come.” It turns out to be true. This phrase has become popularized in business as “If you build it, they will come.” Meaning that if you build your product, venue, or solution, the customers will show up.

    by George Brontén

    Are You Spending Too Much in Order to Grow? Check This Chart

    We all know that you have to invest in marketing and sales in order to grow your company. But do you know how much you should be investing for the percentage of growth you’re achieving?

    by George Brontén

    How to Pump Up Your Sales Team for Rocky Times

    Challenging economic times are, well, challenging. For sales teams, they can be brutal.

    by George Brontén

    What Happens When You Let Employees Name Your Company’s Values?

    Soon after Membrain was started, we sat down and wrote out the core values we believed were central to who we are. Recently, we decided to ask our people to tell us what THEY think Membrain’s core values actually are. The results were pretty interesting.

    by George Brontén
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