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    5 Terrible Ways to Use AI in Sales

    There is no question that generative AI is here to stay. It’s now present in almost every software platform, from Google to Microsoft 365 to Zoom. Reactions to the onslaught of AI tools among the general public is mixed. Some folks love the opportunities and convenience it provides. Some folks are tired of it appearing everywhere they look.

    by George Brontén

    Underneath Complex Sales Are Simple Rules

    Sometimes, in complex B2B sales, low activity and slow pipelines are blamed on the idea that the sales process is “complex.” I’ve always been interested in this excuse because it’s never rung true for me.

    by George Brontén

    How and Why to Clearly Define the Sales Role In Your Organization

    I think it’s strange that the sales role inside a company is often poorly defined and that the skills and abilities necessary to succeed in that role are rarely formalized. It’s a symptom, in my mind, of the fact that the sales profession is not really treated as a profession.

    by George Brontén

    How to Hack Brain Chemistry for Better Sales Team Performance

    I don’t often talk about “hacks,” because I believe that outstanding sales performance doesn’t have shortcuts. You have to have a great strategy, a way of selling, the right team, the right milestone-based process, the right skills, and the right coaching.

    by George Brontén

    Have you misunderstood accountability?

    One of the biggest mistakes I made in my leadership journey was misunderstanding how accountability actually works.

    by Tim Ohai

    Where You Lost The Sale, How to Win It Back: Jennica Dixon’s New Book Tells All

    Most complex sales are lost long before the sales team realizes it. 

    That’s the contention of a new book by the father-daughter duo, Terry Slattery and Jennica Dixon of Slattery Sales. Wimp Junction, released in March, identifies the key places where most sales go wrong, and what sales teams can do to bring them back.

    by George Brontén
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