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    What Does It Mean to Elevate The Sales Profession?

    I’ve been on a mission to elevate the sales profession from the very beginning of my entrepreneurial career, almost without realizing it. As a young salesperson, I resisted the manipulative sales tactics I was being taught. In my first company, Upstream, I proceeded to make every possible sales mistake and saw that what we were told to do simply doesn’t work.

    by George Brontén • Editor's Pick

    How Many Integrations Do You Need?

    When choosing a new CRM or other software for your company, you naturally want to know which of your systems it will integrate with. But sometimes choosing a platform based on available technology integrations can lead you astray.

    by George Brontén • Editor's Pick

    Why Are We So Incurious?

    If I were forced to identify the single most important capability for anyone, at any level in selling, I think it would be curiosity. I wouldn’t identify prospecting, relationship building, closing, goal orientation, or any of the numerous competencies/capabilities of great sales people.

    by Dave Brock • Editor's Pick

    Don’t Hire a Bus Engineer to Design Your Race Car

    Your CRM sucks, and one of the most sucky things about it is the hoops you have to jump through to customize it to work for you.

    by George Brontén • Editor's Pick

    63+ open-ended questions for your sales coaching

    Great sales coaches are the critical multiplier for sales performance, and open-ended questions are one of the most powerful tools in the coaching toolbox.

    by George Brontén • Editor's Pick

    Did your buyer say what your salesperson heard? Probably not.

    In theory, conversation is easy. Humans are built for it. I say something, you hear it and respond, and I hear your response. We exchange information and both of us walk away understanding each other better.

    by George Brontén • Editor's Pick
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