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    sales process

    Can a sales process help sell value?

    Discounting and selling in bad economic times seem to go hand in hand, and they shouldn’t. Selling value is the way to avoid discounting. The mindset of the salesperson plays a role. Here’s another way to help sellers avoid discounting and sell value – A repeatable sales process.

    by Gretchen Gordon

    How to make your sales process as compelling as a tree

    There’s an Oxel tree standing beside an ancient fisherman’s shack on the Swedish island of Gotland. Although the shack is just a single room with no amenities, and the tree is just a tree, there is something about the sight and the energy of the place that compels me.

    by George Brontén

    3 sources of commercial inefficiency related to the sales process

    In manufacturing companies, production departments are generally efficient and effective. Unfortunately, most sales departments are not.

    by Frédéric Lucas

    From sales process to buying journey

    The idea of a “sales process” has been around since long before I was offered my first sales role. The concept has been heavily promoted by the mainstream sales methodology vendors and adopted with varying degrees of effectiveness by many sales organisations.

    by Bob Apollo

    Stop your churn and grow faster with a customer success mindset

    Every year, businesses lose billions of dollars in sales due to bad customer service. In 2016, a survey from NewVoiceMedia quantified the amount of money lost that year by US businesses at roughly $62 billion.

    by George Brontén

    What problem is the customer trying to solve?

    Pause for a moment. Look at your qualified pipeline. Start at the bottom. Can you identify the problem the customer is trying to solve? Or the opportunity they are trying to address?

    by Dave Brock
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