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    sales training

    Four reasons your sales training fails

    Have you spent money on sales training without seeing rewards? Are its promises of increased revenue and the vision of stress-free management evaporating? Well, you are not alone. And here are four reasons why:

    by Gretchen Gordon

    How your sales technology should support sales training

    How would you feel if I told you that for every dollar you spend on sales training, you may as well be throwing 80 cents of it into a bottomless pit?

    by George Brontén

    It is ALWAYS about execution

    I’ve been writing a lot about our Sales Execution Framework and a “Back To Basics” approach to sales management and selling. These articles have generated some interesting calls and reactions.

    by Dave Brock

    It’s never “just a matter of training.”

    I was speaking to a friend the other day.He’s VP of Sales Enablement for a large technology organization. He had just come out of a meeting of his peers–the top management in the sales organization. He called to say, “the field VP’s proposed that we initiate a major sales training program and are willing to fund it.”

    by Dave Brock

    How to outrun the coming avalanche in the sales training landscape

    I love to ski. It’s one of my top “flow” activities, and I especially love the alps, which has some of the best ski slopes in the world. But as any skier knows, it’s a sport with some very specific risks. One of the most dangerous things that can happen, is to get caught in an avalanche.

    by George Brontén • Editor's Pick
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