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    How to Harness Shoshin to Improve Sales Effectiveness

    Whenever someone tells me they have 10 years of experience, I always wonder: Do they really have ten years, or do they have one year of experience multiplied by ten?

    by George Brontén

    How to sell an $85 bottle of water and why you shouldn't want to

    I recently got back from Vegas. I was at a conference there, staying in a very nice, high-end hotel. The hospitality was delightful. The room was beyond comfortable. The view was spectacular. Everything was great.

    by George Brontén

    CEO: Here are 4 things your sales director is hiding from you

    I had an interesting conversation with the founder of a sales technology company recently. Their technology was designed to provide greater transparency into the inner workings of sales departments, sales managers, and individual salespeople, in order to equip sales directors to provide better leadership for more effective sales execution.

    by George Brontén

    Communicating Your Value

    It's truly amazing how seller's emphasize 'unique' features or benefits that, in the eyes of the buyer, look pretty much the same as their competition. Yet the way we say what we say makes a huge difference in what people perceive.

    by Tony Hughes

    Want to Get Good at Change Management? Think Like Sir Isaac Newton

    We’ve all been here before. Whether we’re the CEO moving the company in a new direction, a CRO introducing new products or sales methodologies, an IT Director launching a new SaaS solution, a PM shepherding a project through the corporate gauntlet, or even simply an analyst trying to get others to recognize and act upon what we’ve discovered, we’re all trying to create change in our organizations.

    by Bob Britton

    What Did The Customer Learn As A Result Of Our Meeting?

    Usually, after a sales call, we ask ourselves, “Did I accomplish my objectives?” (That is if you assess yourself after the sales call.) It’s a critical question, we need to be purposeful and focused in each of our meetings with the customer. 

    by Dave Brock
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