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    sales strategy

    Four components to optimize your sales organization

    A while back, I gave a presentation at the ESA Leadership Summit on ways to optimize a sales organization. The four components and main points I discussed are applicable to sales organizations in every kind of industry, so I want to share them.

    by Gretchen Gordon

    Transforming your sales approach? Here’s why you should buy a new CRM too.

    Many organizations treat investments in sales effectiveness a series of buckets: One for strategy, one for the sales process, one for training, enablement content, coaching, analysis, individual salesperson performance… and so on. Along the way, companies bolt on numerous tools to their legacy CRM, one after the other.

    by George Brontén

    If the right thing doesn’t exist… make it!

    Twenty years ago, I told my family I wanted to buy a piece of bare land and build a house on it. My wife thought I was crazy.

    by George Brontén • Editor's Pick

    AI And Sales, What We Misunderstand

    Based on much of the press, much of it created by vendors of AI solutions, AI is the answer to all the problems we have with sales and marketing. We are presented a brave new world where we can engage the right customers, say exactly the right words at the right time, making sure we ask no more than 4 discovery questions, that our opening pitch (?) is no longer than 9.1 minutes, that…

    by Dave Brock

    The illusion of the expert buyer

    One of the most dangerous mistakes we can make as sales people is believing that our customer – and particularly the sponsor we have been working with – knows how to buy.

    by Bob Apollo

    How to sync the brains of buying committees and make the sale

    Take several mechanical metronomes and set them to tick at different speeds, so that you create a chaos of random sound. Tick tick tock ticktick tick tickticktick tocktock tick. This is what buying committees can feel like. A chaos of random ticking in different directions at different speeds, all of it coming to nothing.

    by George Brontén
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