Data Import - Best Practices

Here is a collection of tips and tricks when working with Data Imports in Membrain.

Multi-Select Field

When importing several data points into a Multi-Select field in Membrain. You can use a comma (,) to separate the data points in the same cell.


  1. In this example, we are importing Sales Project data to a Custom Field called Competition.
  2. We want the Competition to be ArchRival (option 2) and RivalCorp (option 6). In the sheet or excel, we are working in, we simply separate these options using a comma (,)

Relationship Fields

Relationship Custom Fields are a really powerful way to connect information in Membrain. Importing data into Relationship Custom Fields is available for:

  • Prospects
  • Sales Projects
  • Account Growth Projects
  • Companies
  • Contacts
  • Activities

Importing this kind of data is only available with existing Relationship Custom Fields. Read this article to learn how to set up a Relationship Field in Membrain.