Coaching Plans

Coaching Plans in Membrain Elevate offer a structured and comprehensive way to manage coaching activities within the platform. This feature enhances the ability to create, edit, and track detailed coaching strategies, ensuring a streamlined approach to developing and supporting team members.

Create a Coaching Plan Template

Coaching Plan Templates allow you to create pre-made content for coaching plans, streamlining the process and ensuring consistency across your coaching strategies.

  1. From the left-hand side of your screen, go to Elevate > Elevate Settings and select Coaching Plans.
  2. Click on +Coaching Plan Template.
  3. Fill in the required details

    - Name: Enter the title of the plan.
    - Usable By: Specify who can use this template by team, permission group, or individual users.
    - Skill: Attach the template to a relevant skill.
    - Duration: Define the duration of the coaching plan.
    - Tasks: Set tasks with deadlines
    Content Tasks: Add pieces of content from the content Hub as Content Tasks to enable your salespeople in their growth
  4. Press Save to finalize the template.

Create a Coaching Plan

To create a Coaching Plan, navigate to the User page and select the Overview tab or click the "New" button. If you have permission to create a Coaching Activity for a user, you can also create a Coaching Plan. Only one coaching plan is allowed at a time.

Choose if you're creating a new plan or an existing coaching plan template. If you’re using a Coaching Plan Template, you go to the coachee’s page, press New, select Coaching Plan, and choose the desired template from the list.

If you're creating a coaching plan from scratch, you select a skill, set the start and end dates for the plan, and input your content.

Edit & Manage a Coaching Plan

After creating a plan, you are taken to the Coaching Plan editor. You can also access this editor from the Overview tab or through the Performance Over Time Graph.

In the editor, you can:

  • Edit the plan's description using rich text.
  • Change the skill and date range (with the same validation as during creation).
  • Comment on the plan.
  • Share, Manage who this plan has been shared with, or delete the plan via the "..." menu. Sharing the plan will notify the person you've shared with in the Membrain Guide.
  • If a coach shares a coaching plan/activity, the coached person will get a request to approve or deny the sharing of that plan/note. 


Integrate Tasks & Content

Coaching Plans can include tasks, which are always assigned to the coachee by default. You can also add "Content Tasks," which link to items in the Content Hub. Unlike normal tasks, clicking on a Content Task will open or download the associated Content Hub item.

View & Utilize Coaching Plans

Tasks associated with a Coaching Plan are identified by a Coaching Plan icon in the normal tasks list and task dialog. They also appear under Pending Tasks in the Coaching Insights tab if they are incomplete. Coaching Plans streamline the coaching process in Membrain Elevate, making it easier to manage and track coaching activities and their outcomes.