Adding Sales Enablement Content to Membrain is a great way to share resources and information with your team members, support them in their efforts, and help them sell more efficiently.
What is Sales Enablement Content?
Sales enablement content can be described as supporting material to enable sales, and in Membrain comes in the form of:
- text: descriptions and guidance for steps, fields, other items
- files: documentation, templates
- links: external websites or online tools
- videos: embedded video files from Wistia or YouTube.
- Content Cards: Compact and insightful cards that can be integrated into Steps, Stages, or Custom Fields, providing the essential information at a glance.
This content can be added to a host of areas in Membrain, including process steps & stages, all custom fields as well as lots of other key areas right across Membrain, making it possible to find specific help and resources in the relevant places, just when you need it.
An Example
First contact with a prospective client
When reaching out to a prospect for the first time, help your team ask the right questions and get the conversation going in the right direction from the beginning. Add the following:
- A coaching video to guide the sales representative can go a long way in getting past that phone call or meeting.
- A pdf file that describes what your Ideal Client might look like.
- A link to additional documentation, like price lists or a case study.
- A Content Card filled with key points or questions to ask during the interaction, ensuring the salesperson is well prepared.

How it works
Sales Enablement content can be added in many areas of Membrain by an administrator. Follow this step-by-step guide to add your content.
Choose where you want the content to be accessed from:
Steps and stages in the Process
- Open the Process Editor.
- Click on the step or stage that you want to add your content to.
Other fields in the Process
- Open the Process Editor.
- Click on the fields Value, Probability, or Closing Date to add content.
Custom fields
- From System Setup - Custom Fields.
- Choose if you want to add the content to Sales Projects & Prospect, Company or Contact Custom Field, and select the field.
Add the content:
- Click on the blue ADD button to the right-hand side of the dialogue box.

- Choose the content you wish to add: video, file, or link.

Remember, if you've made additions to the process, don't forget to Publish!
If you have any queries on how to use this exciting feature, please let us know at