Membrain's Sales Inbox

Email is one of the most powerful tools available to us as salespeople today, but it can be time-consuming sifting through your inbox in search of those really important emails that require your attention. This is where Membrain's Sales Inbox helps make your day a lot more productive.

A unique view of your inbox

Membrain's dedicated Sales Inbox automatically identifies your important incoming messages and separates them out from everything else. By default, Sales Inbox splits your email into 4 distinct sections: Account Growth Projects, Sales Projects, Prospect, and Other emails. It's almost like a personal assistant, helping you organize emails by priority and allowing you to focus your time where it's needed most.

Setting up the Sales Inbox

To start using these awesome features only available to you with the Sales Inbox, go to My Settings - Email - Choose Membrain as your mail client and add your mail settings.

Read a full step-by-step guide on how to do this in Email Setup - Membrains Sales Inbox

How does it work?

Membrain looks at the email address of the incoming mail and checks to see if it matches one of your contacts email addresses. If it does, it will show it in the Sales Inbox the correct heading in the Sales inbox (Sales Projects/Prospects/Other).

You can also have your email saved automatically to the relevant Activity Stream of a Sales Project or Prospect by default, or choose to save specific emails manually as it suits you.

Email related to Account Growth Projects

Right at the top, highlighted in purple, you will see all incoming emails from stakeholders and participants from your current Account Growth Projects.

Email related to Sales Projects

Next up, highlighted in marine green, you will see all incoming emails from stakeholders and participants from your current Sales Projects.

Email related to Prospects

Below that, highlighted in orange, you will see all of your emails from contacts within your current Prospects.

All Other Email

Everything else that arrives into your inbox is filtered down the list and appears in the Other email section. What ends up here are emails coming from contacts that are not related to sales projects or prospects, or just plain old personal email. These less important emails will show in a neutral color.

If your contact is using more than one email address (e.g. business and private) be sure to add this secondary email address to their contact information so Membrain can manage the email thread effortlessly from both addresses. Learn how to do this here Managing Contacts

Customizing your view

There are lots of ways you can manage your inbox from Membrain, with a host of different sorting, grouping and filtering options. Try out some of the options below and find the view that suits you best.

The column to the left offers some quick filter options including:  

  • See a count of all your emails in each section, with an additional count for unread emails
  • Toggle on or off the sections that are important to you right now, and get a clearer picture of your mailbox. Not much happening in Prospecting right now?  Turn it off, and focus on what's important to you
  • 8 top communicators and their profile pictures. Hover over a company logo or contact profile picture to see just how many emails have been received
  • Or click on a profile picture to go directly to a list of all the emails between you both
  • Go directly to all the emails with attachments and save time finding documents by clicking the link or the letter A on your keyboard
  • Show all emails with meeting invites or updates attached by clicking the link or the letter I on your keyboard
  • See all unread emails by clicking the link or the letter U on your keyboard
  • Sent Mail Insights - A brand-new feature which gives you analytical data about how your recipients are engaging with your email. 
    Filtering 1c-1

Options in the top right allow you to Group and Sort your email the way you like it.

The default setting is to group email by type, using the 3 sections mentioned above; Sales Project emails, Prospect emails, and other emails. Though if you prefer to use a more traditional layout seen with most email clients, you can use these settings:

  • Sort by Date or Date ascending.
    This will show you each and every email in your inbox, simply in the order it was received.
  • Group by Date, Sender, Company, Sales Project, Prospect or None.
    These additional options help you see and manage your email with more relevance





Sent Mail Insights

Understanding what happens to your email once you hit that send button is a game changer. Seeing information such as when your mail was read or if/when a link was clicked can help you stay ahead of the game, providing you with inside knowledge about your communication with contacts and prospective clients.

With Sent Mail insights, you can see all this information at a glance, with a graph showing you how many emails you've sent (yellow) and how many have been read (green) by date.

Additional detailed information is also available about specific emails you've sent, showing you how your contact has engaged with your email. Click through to access the email again and review your communication easily, and follow up if necessary.

You can also filter your Sent Emails by Scheduled, Clicked, Read, Sent or Failed.  This gives you a quick overview of your Sent Emails' status and allows another way to see how and who has engaged with your messages. 

Additional functionality

Collaborate with your colleagues

By hovering over the saved email, you can directly see the comment from your colleague and answer to collaborate quickly and easily.

Follow up on emails - create a task

Creating a task based on an email you've received has never been easier.

Hover over an email and select the Create Task option to create a new Task with the Contact/Company/Sales Project or Prospect already related. This will automatically copy all the relevant details from the email into the task, along with the company and contact information.

Maintain a tidy Sales Inbox - delete options

There are lots of easy ways to keep on top of your email and stay productive. And deleting emails from Membrain's Sales Inbox can be done a number of ways.

  • Swipe an email away to the right will quickly delete the email, both from Membrain and from your inbox in your email client,
  • Hover over an email and select delete
  • Hold Ctrl on the keyboard and click on multiple emails you wish to delete, and click on the delete trash can icon up in the toolbar.

Or, if you like to organize rather than delete, you can Move emails to another folder you have created in your email client. Hover over an email and select Move to see a list of your own personal subfolders, replicated from your own email client. Simply select which folder you want to move the mail to. This results in the email being moved to that folder in your email client, and no longer being visible in Membrain's Sales Inbox.

How to Mark Emails as Unread in Membrain Go

Marking emails as unread in Membrain Go is a simple and effective way of keeping track of emails you want to revisit. With this feature, you can stay organized and keep your inbox clutter-free, ensuring that you never miss out on any important emails.

You can easily mark an email as unread by clicking the “closed envelope” icon within the email. All you need to do is click on this icon, and your email will be marked as unread.

read in go

It is important to note that, for now, there is no explicit option to mark an email as read again. However, this can be accomplished by simply reopening the email.