OneDrive & Google Drive - Automated Reports

Membrain offers lots of options for reporting, both prebuilt (e.g. Performance View, Win/Loss Analysis) or customizable (e.g. Dashboards), but in some cases, there might be a need to bring data out of Membrain for additional analysis in Excel or for use with other business-wide reporting.

Using Membrain's Automated Reports and our integrations with Microsoft OneDrive and Google Drive, you can create scheduled reports that can be sent automatically to your organization's OneDrive or Google Drive account.

Let's take Microsoft OneDrive for example, and go through how Membrain can be configured to automatically export data directly to a OneDrive folder. The process for Google Drive is the same.

Setup of a OneDrive/Google Drive Automated Report

Getting up and running takes some thought and once-off-setup, but once you can gather, populate the preconfigured fields, you're almost there!

  1. Use the Membrain menu to go to the “Admin” page (required administrative privileges)
  2. On that page, you will find the Automated Reports link further down on that page, on the left-hand side of the screen.

  3. Clicking into the Automated Reports page you will now see a big clickable area where you can add a new report. If you already have several reports this may be a bit further down the screen.
    Membrain will highlight the individual steps to follow to create the report.

  4. The first step is to give the report a name and select the report type.

    Note: If sending a dashboard report, a link to the dashboard in Membrain will be automatically attached.
  5. Create a new filter for the report
  6. Create or select an Export Configuration
  7. Select OneDrive or Google Drive to send the report to and click on Integrate with Microsoft OneDrive. Keep in mind that you can't sign with a personal account. You must use your work or school account instead.

    Note: You can even send the report via Email to one or several email addresses.
  8. Schedule the report. This can be either weekly or monthly. When weekly you set the time to send it and on which weekdays. When selecting monthly it's sent the first on every month you select at the time you set it for.

How do I disable a report or delete it entirely?

To disable (or enable) a report, simply click on the toggle found in the left part of each report to easily turn it off and back on again at any time. To delete a report, click on the delete link on the bottom of the screen. Do note that while you can't restore a deleted report, the filters and the field configuration will still remain so you won't lose much of the actual setup of the report apart from the schedule and OneDrive integration.