Creating an Appointment

An appointment in Membrain is any kind of meeting you have with a contact, prospect, stakeholder in a project, or even colleague internally. It may be over the phone, via webinar or a physical face to face meeting.

Appointments can be created from lots of places in Membrain, though you will mostly create them from the Sales Calendar or within a Sales Project or Prospect. You can send invites to participants and even add a link to a Zoom online meeting or a Teams online meeting if required.

The Content Hub

Sales Enablement or Sales Collateral from The Content Hub is visible from the right-hand side of appointments during creation to guide salespeople as they work. 

Track Activity Details

Additional information about the outcome of an appointment can be added after it has happened to help sales representatives log notes and track the next steps.  Learn more about Activity Custom Fields.

Where can I see all my appointments?

Appointments are visible in the Activity Stream of a related Sales Project, Prospect, Company or Contact and also in your Sales Calendar where you can view all your appointments in a day or week view, edit upcoming appointments and even drag and drop them to change dates or times. 

Filtering options are also available to help you find just the appointments you're looking for.  Simply click on the appointment icon to show only appointments in the Activity Stream.

Creating an Appointment

Video Guide

Watch this short video that covers all the elements of creating an appointment, including using snippets, creating reminders and sending invites to participants.

From a Sales Project or Prospect

  1. Click on the Appointment button from the activity toolbar at the top of any sales project or prospect.
  2. A new appointment opens.  This is where you can add all the details about the appointment you are creating
  3. Select what type of activity this is from the drop-down list at the top.  In this example, we will create a Site visit
  4. If you like, you can set a reminder for this meeting by clicking on the bell icon. Reminders are sent via email or membrain guide to a customizable time before the meeting. You can set the default settings for reminders in the calendar section of my settings.
  5. Set the date and time for this appointment.
  6. Add the participants for this meeting. The dropdown list will populate with the contacts from the company and related Sales Project or Prospect
  7. Add a location (our office, customer site, etc).
  8. To the right, you will see the related company and Sales Project/Prospect. NOTE: This is automatically populated from where you have started to create the appointment.  You can click to change this information, or add to the blue box if nothing is prepopulated (see creating appointments out of context below).
  9. Under the Related area, you will see the Details area. This is where you can add information about the appointment itself using the custom fields that have been added for this activity type.  Learn more about Activity type management.
  10. Enter the details for the appointment in the main text field. Here you can quickly add a Snippet of information (like a predefined agenda) to save time. Or if this will be an online meeting and you're using the Zoom integration or the Teams integration, click on the Zoom or Teams icon to create the meeting automatically. You will see the meeting details added to your appointment contents.
  11. Select who the owner of this appointment is (if you're creating this appointment on behalf of a colleague) or leave the default setting as you.
  12. Click Create.
  13. If required, send invites to the participants from the options along the bottom, or later email everyone about a change in Agenda or address.

Once created, the appointment will be visible in the Activity Stream of the related Sales Project or Prospect and Company and Contact page.

Pro Tip: Enter a weekday (e.g., "Mon" for Monday) to set the appointment for the next occurrence of that day. For specific dates, use the month's first three letters and the day number (e.g., "Jun 23"). Terms like "Tomorrow," "Today," and "Yesterday" are also recognized.

From the Sales Calendar

You can very quickly create an appointment directly in the Calendar, either:

  • Click on the New Appointment button from the main menu
  • Once in the Calendar, click on the New Appointment button, top right.

Tip! If you have a sales project or prospect open in the background, this new appointment will automatically be related to it, otherwise, you will need to manually relate the new appointment to the relevant sales project.  

From the Company or Contact

It is possible to create appointments from other areas of Membrain, outside of the context of a Sales Project or Prospect. For example from the Company or Contact view. However, you must remember to relate the appointment to the correct Sales Project or Prospect to ensure that it is logged correctly for tracking and reporting reasons. 

You can do this from the blue box to the right of the appointment creation dialog.

It's important to understand that if you have specific Activity Goals relating to appointments, you must ensure the following is true in order for these activities to be counted towards these goals:
  • You are set as the organizer
  • Appointment type matches your goals
  • The appointment is related to the correct company