Accessing Membrain from a Tab in Salesforce

Membrain's Salesforce integration is a powerful tool for your salesteam, and to make life easier for those who work in both Salesforce and Membrain, we recommend adding Membrain to a tab in Salesforce.

This allows the smooth switch between Salesforce and Membrain, without ever having to leave the browser you're in.


Salesforce Administrators can follow the below steps to add Membrain as a tab in Salesforce. These instructions are applicable to Salesforce Lightning.

  1. From Setup, go to Sites and Domains - User Interface - Tabs

  2. Click on New, to add a new Tab

  3. Choose the page layout width. We recommend Full Page Width for the best experience. Click Next.

  4. Add a Label, Name and other relevant information

  5. Add the URL which represents your Membrain account. This is usually in the format of If you're not sure what your Membrain domain is, you can find this out in the Accounts Details page in Membrain, or reach out to your Membrain contact.

  6. Choose the user profiles for which the new custom tab will be available. Click Next.

  7. Choose the custom apps for which the new custom tab will be available. Click Save

  8. The new tab is now added and available for use

  9. You can now arrange the tab in the order that you would like it to be viewed by your Salesforce userbase.