Adding Importance to Steps

Rules can also be added to the individual steps within your Process, helping you focus on important steps and ensuring that you don't miss a vital step along the way.  This is done by choosing the importance of a step and how soon you want to be alerted when a step has not been completed.

Perhaps it would be helpful to get a reminder about an important step in the Process that's required before moving forward.  Or you may want to get an alert if a new prospect has not been contacted within an appropriate number of minutes, hours or days.

Once configured these Rules will alert you in various ways:

  • show an icon beside the affected step in the Sales Project
  • trigger events in Membrain, for example send a notification to you (or your manager) in Membrain Guide or email to notify you of the alert
  • Steps with low Importance (set to Optional or Helpful), can be skipped if Dynamic Process is enabled in the Process Settings. Mandatory, Important or Critical steps can not be skipped.


There are 3 different alerts that can be triggered, based on the Rule and its importance setting. 

Blue Puzzle Piece - coaching advice is the first level and shows you that something needs to be addressed, even if it is not urgent yet. 

The next level is a yellow flag, where quick action is required to address the problem at hand.

The final level is the red flag – this is the most serious of warnings Membrain can give and it should not be ignored.  Something very important has been missed that may impact the success of this opportunity or prospect

In the Active Pipeline, Sales Projects with red flags show as a solid red color, so its even easier to see where you're efforts should be focused right now. 


Example: add a rule to a step that shows a straight away (after completion of the previous step) and then a after 2 hours if the step is not completed.  

  1. From the Process Editor, click on the step you wish to add the rule to
  2. Click ADD DETAILS/TOOLS on the right-hand side of the box
  3. Select the Importance tool
    Step - Importance 2b
  4. Drag importance bar to Mandatory
  5. Use the predefined rules, or click on the time frame to edit the number of minutes, hours or days when you want this alert to appear beside the step
    (Change the Yellow Flag settings to change from the standard settings of 14 days to 2 hours like this)

    Yellow flag 2e

    From To 2c