Qualifiers - Adding Names and Descriptions

When working with Prospecting and Sales qualifying and disqualifying criteria based on rules will help you to easily identify the prospects and opportunities where you have better chances of success. This can be made even more descriptive and detailed by customizing the Name and Description of the Qualifiers in Membrain.

Qualifiers differs in Prospecting and Sales Projects. Here's a step by step guide to how you customize the Qualifiers in the two different areas.

Customizing the Qualifiers in Prospecting

  1. From the left menu, click on the icon to access System Setup.
  2. Access the process editor by choosing the Prospect Process you wish to edit.
  3. Click on the Qualifier (on the right side of the page) you want to customize.Customize Qualifiers 3b
  4. Click on "Name & Description" and edit the Name and/or Description on the Qualifier.
    Customize Qualifiers 2g
  5. Save the changes and also the Publish Process - button.

Customizing the Qualifiers in Sales Projects

  1. From the left menu, click on the icon to access System Setup.
  2. Access the process editor by choosing the Sales Project Process you wish to edit.
  3. Click on the process step where the Qualifier you want to customize is located.Customize Qualifiers SP 4b
  4. Click on the Qualifier and then the "Name & Description" and edit the Name and/or Description on the Qualifier.
    Customize Qualifiers SP 5e
  5. Save the changes and remember to publish the Process for the changes to take effect.

Qualifiers and qualifying questions can be created in the process editing tool. To learn more on how to use Qualifiers in Membrain, click here.