Importing Products to a Sales Project

The Products Database in Membrain allows you to itemize and track the products you are selling in a Sales Project. That may be a product, service, or consulting - whatever it is you are selling - to track revenue in different categories, or over time with recurring Products.

An Overview

The first step is to download this Template Excel Spreadsheet, which has the default columns you need to get started.

Once you're happy with your spreadsheet, import this file into Membrain. This ensures all your data is aligned and imported into the right fields within Membrain, and your data integrity is maintained.

NOTE: You must have already created the list of Products in Membrain before attempting to import. To learn how to do this, read these articles Setting up Products and Managing Products Once the Products list is available, you can add individual items to a Sales Project from the left-hand side box, located just below the Sales Process.

When importing product information, it's important to include key data fields:

  • Sales Project Name
  • Product Name
  • Product Description
  • Quantity
  • Value
  • Revenue Start Date

NOTE: Product import only supports Fixed Revenue.

Download the Template

  1. Click on this link to the Template Excel file online, and click Download.
  2. Save the file locally to begin editing. This creates the empty spreadsheet you will use to organize your data and make it ready for import

Capture your data

  1. Export the data from your other systems to Excel.
  2. Populate the template you have just created with the data exported and save the file as a .xls file

Import into Membrain

  1. From System Setup - Data Management tab - Import Sales Project Products
  2. Click on “Upload a file to import” at top of the screen and browse to the file you have just created
  3. Import Options: Choose to Create a new entry, or update an existing entry.

  4. Click Next
  5. Map the fields by aligning them to their correct names. You will see errors and will be able to work through them in your spreadsheet until you are fully confident that your data is solid and ready to be imported.
  6. Click import, and you're done!

Advance Settings

The Advanced Settings for imports in Membrain gives you control over how Membrain manages duplicates. On a standard import, the Advanced Settings have a default configuration to help you prevent importing duplicates. To see what the default settings are you can click on Advanced Settings in the bottom right corner of an import page in Membrain. Read this article Import Advanced Settings for more information.

Mandatory fields when importing Products to Sales Projects

  • Product Name
  • Sales Project Name
  • The rest of the selection of mandatory fields will be completely based on the dedupe settings of the import.